foto Adopce úvod

Following the principals of Christian morality, we help those in need irrespective of their race, religious affiliations, or political views. We provide assistance to those who have found themselves in a life burdening situation, or in the margin of society – namely

  • parents (mothers and their children),
  • the handicapped,
  • seniors,
  • the homeless,
  • orphans,
  • victims of human trafficing,
  • victims of domestic violence,
  • and migrants.

One of the most significant areas where Caritas Prague provides services, includes humanitarian and development aid and cooperation. The least fortunate children, families, and communities are supported in terms of education, healthcare and local development, so that they can one day reach and sustain a reasonable quality of life without international intervention.

General Information

Legal entity

Church-based, non-profit organization (Registry of church-based organizations administered by Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Registry No.: 8/1-01-705/1996)


Archdiocese of Prague

Sphere of Action

Social and Healthcare Services: Prague, Central Bohemia, Ústí County; Development Aid: India, Sub-Saharan Africa, Belarus

Statutory representatives

Director Ing. Bc. Jaroslav Němec, president Fr. Jan Balík

Caritas of Archdiocese of Prague is a part of Caritas Internationalis, an international network of 165 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations operating in over 200 countries and territories worldwide. This Caritas network is therefore one of the largest international networks striving to abolish poverty and to establish a more equal society.

Caritas network abroad and in the Czech Republic

Caritas network abroad

Caritas Internationalis is involved namely in humanitarian crises, in the area of sustainable development and in international conflicts, promoting peace settlements.

Caritas Internationalis is internally organized into seven entities covering different geographic regions: Caritas Africa, Caritas Asia, Caritas Europe, Caritas Latin America, Caritas Pacific, Caritas North America, and Caritas MONA (Middle-East and North Africa).

The division simplifies the cooperation of national charities, who often struggle with similar problems and conditions for their work within the same regions.

Caritas network in the CR

The national headquarters in the Czech Republic is Caritas Czech Republic. In 1995 it was accepted as an honorary member of Caritas Internationalis. Caritas Czech Republic unites six Diocese and two Archdiocese Caritas (Prague, Olomouc, Brno, České Budějovice, Litoměřice, Hradec Králové, Plzeň and Ostrava-Opava).

Each (Arch)diocese is made up of further levels of charity networks: parish, county and communal charities – altogether there is about 350. Charity work in the Czech Republic functions on many levels and provides more than 750 different types of services and social and healthcare centers. The network employs over 6,700 full-time employees and works together with 50 thousand volunteers. It´s services help more than 80 thousand people every year. Caritas Czech Republic is the most significant non-governmental provider of social services in the Czech Republic.

Financing Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague

Caritas Prague finances its activities thanks to the support of:

  • Administrative authorities and local self-administrations (ministries, counties, communes)
  • Church collections
  • Public collections
  • Individual and company donors
  • Proceedings from own economic activity and fund-raising events
Zkušenost s dobrovolnictvím v Ugandě

Help those who are in need

„One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord, And He will repay him for his good deed.“ (Proverbs 19:17)

Your donation:

  • funds food aid and shelter for those who are in need,
  • supports social services for seniors, people with special needs, families in need, victims of domestic violence and those who have found themselves in a life burdening situation
  • supports education for disadvantaged children in developing countries.

Donate now

You can donate one-time or become a sustaining donor. Donations of any amount are accepted and greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your support!

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