
26. 6. 2021

Collection for people affected by the tornado. Thank you for your help!

South Moravian Region was hit by a heavy storm with a hailstorm and a tornado on Thursday evening and Friday night causing severe damage. There was a number of casualties and hundreds were injured including children.

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25. 3. 2021

Art that seeks to warm your heart

Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague has supported talented people with mental or chronic psychological diseases.

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13. 1. 2021

Mobile vaccine team brings relief to Prague’s most vulnerable

On Wednesday, the team vaccinated dozens of people with mental health and other conditions in Prague’s Holy Family Home, giving them hope they will be able to enjoy the full range of activities after months of restrictions.

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Tříkrálová sbírka

29. 12. 2020

Three Kings Charity Collection goes online

The annual Three Kings Collection, the biggest fundraiser in the country, organised by the Catholic charity Caritas, has been forced to go online in 2021 due to the strict coronavirus measures in place.

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30. 11. 2020

How the pandemic impacts those living on the streets of Prague

We are told to stay at home and avoid unnecessary travel, but what if you don’t have a home?

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29. 6. 2020

The pandemic came like a deluge. We had to respond to new developments on a daily basis.

The spring of this year was one of the most demanding times in the recent history of Caritas. JAROSLAV NĚMEC, Director of the Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague, likens the pandemic to a 100-year flood.

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30. 9. 2019

Interview with the Man at the Helm: 100 Years of Helping Those in Need

The Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague is celebrating 100 years of existence. For more than one-fifth of its history (the past 22 years), the organization has been headed by Ing. JAROSLAV NĚMEC, a man who has been instrumental in shaping the charity’s activities and bringing it among respected, reliable, and highly professional organizations.

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Rozhovor s Šárkou Drškovou: 20 let Poradny Magdala

2. 4. 2019

Interview with Šárka Dršková: Twenty Years of the Magdala Counseling Center

This year, the Magdala Counseling Center, a facility providing one of the services offered by Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague, is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its establishment. Its services are presented by the center’s Director, ŠÁRKA DRŠKOVÁ.

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Mezi “adoptovanými” dětmi v Zambii se rodí technický talent. Sarah má na kontě další vítězství

22. 1. 2019

A technical talent is being born among sponsored children in Zambia. Sarah scoops another victory!

The 2019 school year has begun in Zambia. Sarah Mwale, a young inventor from Solwezi went back to school after the Christmas holiday at home. She already completed her first year at Mukinge secondary school, the all girls’ boarding school at Kasempa district. She did well yet again in another competition for young inventors. Sarah is an orphan, she is being brought up by her grandmother and her studies are sponsored by donors from the Czech Republic.

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Chudí potřebují naše srdce

15. 11. 2018

Pope Audience: Gossip kills, God is truth

In his continuing catechesis on the Ten Commandments, the Pope during his General Audience reflects on the eighth commandment: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour”.

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Family poverty: Jana’s story

4. 6. 2018

Family poverty: Jana’s story

Jana is a young woman from west Bohemia. She had a dream of working as a chef in a spa hotel, so she went to a college specialised in chef trainings. At the time, Jana met a partner on a social website. He was funny and she liked him a lot. Things moved on very quickly and they married four months after they first met. Very soon after the wedding their first daughter was born and later on a son with mental health problems.

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Řekla jsem „ne“ domácímu násilí

16. 12. 2017

Give a Christmas gift to victims of domestic violence

Give a gift this Christmas, not only to your own loved ones, but also to an unknown battered woman. They live among us with hidden pain and suffering. They cannot enjoy a beautiful and merry Christmas. From their close ones they only receive wounds to their body and spirit, never gifts.

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Against fear and humiliation. Caritas opens new center to assist homeless women.

21. 11. 2016

Against fear and humiliation. Caritas opens new center to assist homeless women.

The streets of this big city are dangerous at night. A woman might prefer to ask a male chaperone to walk with her if she finds herself faced with the prospect of returning home through dark and deserted streets in the small hours of the night. But not everyone has a home to return to. In Prague alone, at least 800 women are living on the street. We met with some of them at the newly-opened women-only daytime center on Žitná Street – the only one of its kind in the Czech Republic.

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Nadace Agel převezme patronát nad Azylovým domem Gloria

6. 10. 2016

Agel Foundation accepts patronage of the Gloria Shelter Home

On Wednesday, October 5, 2016, the Agel Foundation graciously agreed to act as patron for the Gloria Shelter Home. Women’s shelters help mothers overcome grave life crises, as they suddenly find themselves in the street, and are moreover at risk of having their children taken away and put into institutional care by child protection services. However, these shelters would not be able to do their good work without the kind support of donors.

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Caritas gives food aid to the poor

21. 8. 2016

Caritas gives food aid to the poor

As of July, people in need have been receiving food and other basic necessities under a program of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs which is financed from the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD). Distribution of this aid across the country lies primarily in the hands of Caritas and other non-profit organizations.

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Alfabetizační kurzy v Zambii pokračují

10. 5. 2016

Adult literacy courses in Zambia continue

For the last six years, we have been organizing regular classes in Zambia that provide adults with basic education. Sixty individuals in Mukonchi and Solwezi are learning how to read and write in their adult years.

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Launch of Caritas Cares country report

2. 2. 2016

Launch of Caritas Cares country report

Caritas Czech Republic launched its Caritas Cares country report on 2 February. This report describes the main challenges related to poverty and social inclusion in the Czech Republic and provides recommendations for policy makers to address these challenges.

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Tříkrálová sbírka se blíží. Centrem Prahy projde průvod v čele s velbloudy

6. 1. 2016

Three Kings Procession launched the Collection

Men dressed as the Three Kings, Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar, rode camels in the historical core of Prague and across the Charles bridge during the traditional Three Kings Procession on January 3, 2016. The procession was organized by The Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague.

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Czech Hospital in Uganda Receives Award for Exemplary Infirmary Care

24. 10. 2015

Czech Hospital in Uganda Receives Award for Exemplary Infirmary Care

The St. Charles Lwanga Buikwe Hospital has received the Celestýn Opitz Award, which goes to outstanding personalities or projects that set an example in care-giving to the infirm or otherwise needy. It is being awarded by the Hospitaller Order of the Brothers of Saint John of God.

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Parenting Skills Support for Single Mothers

1. 10. 2014

Parenting Skills Support for Single Mothers

The Parenting Skills Support for Single Mothers project is an innovative program concerned with the development of mothers’ parenting personalities and skills. The creator of this comprehensive program, which was first implemented in 2012, is the personnel of Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague, who have drawn on their many years of experience working with single mothers, especially with those living temporarily in the shelter.

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